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Finland: Pension reforms in Finland


Finland: Pension reforms in Finland

This chapter provides a review of pension reforms in Finland which were implemented since the early 1990s. The Finnish pension system is rather unique, with a nearly universal coverage and a dominant role of the public mandatory pension provision consisting of the earnings-related and the national pension scheme. Focusing on old-age pensions, this chapter describes three recent waves of reforms of these schemes that have aimed at cost-containment, cut early exit routes and adapted to increasing longevity. The implemented reforms have modernized the system, making it more uniform and compact. The earnings-related pension scheme is now an even stronger backbone of the Finnish pension system with wider coverage and more harmonized rules. The national pension scheme, on the other hand, has played more important role since the mid-1990s in providing basic security to those with insufficient earnings-related pension. Occupational and private pension schemes' role remains marginal.

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