
Function and biomass production of willow wetlands applied in the polishing phase of sewage treatment in cold climate conditions


Function and biomass production of willow wetlands applied in the polishing phase of sewage treatment in cold climate conditions


Willow wetlands can offer a low-cost solution for recovery of nutrients contained in sewage water and simultaneously produce plant biomass, which can be used in energy production. Willow (Salix spp.) is considered an excellent crop for this purpose, due to its good nutrient uptake and biomass production. Although willow wetlands have been used in sewage treatment in e.g. Denmark, Sweden and southern Finland, their use in northern regions is challenging due to the detrimental effects cold climate conditions can have on plant survival rates and wastewater purification efficiency. In this study, a pilot constructed wetland in northern Finland receiving effluent from a small-scale wastewater treatment plant was investigated. Four willow varieties were planted (Gudrun, Karin, Klara and one local variety) and retention of nutrients in the wetland and willow plant survival rate, biomass production and nutrient uptake were evaluated. Good retention of nutrients (e.g. Tot. N 66–86% and Tot. P 30–87%) was achieved throughout the study period. After two growing seasons, the variety Gudrun showed the best survival rate and significantly higher biomass production (5.7 t/ha) than Karin, Klara and the local variety (1.7, 3.0 and 0.02 t/ha, respectively). Thus, willow wetlands are suitable systems for nutrient recovery from pre-treated wastewater in cold climate regions. However, the willow variety used should be chosen carefully, as there can be significant differences in survival rate and biomass production between varieties.

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