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Polarization transfer in a spin-exchange optical-pumping experiment


Polarization transfer in a spin-exchange optical-pumping experiment


Spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) enables hyperpolarization of magnetic noble gas nuclei and allows enormously enhanced signal in nuclear magnetic resonance studies in materials, biosciences, and medicine. We model the dynamics of the SEOP process taking place in a Rb−129Xe gas mixture and shed light on how the different microscopic processes influence the macroscopic polarization transfer. For each Rb-Xe collision taking place in simulated molecular dynamics trajectory, we sample a time series of quantum-chemically preparametrized Hamiltonians. Combined electron and nuclear spin dynamics of each event is propagated by solving the corresponding Liouville–von Neumann equation. The rarely occurring, long-lived van der Waals molecules are seen to give the most significant contribution to polarization transfer under the simulated conditions (T=300 K, p=2.4 bar), in agreement with earlier findings. Besides the lifetime of the collision complex, the average and minimum Rb-Xe interatomic distances characterize the efficiency of the polarization transfer events. We obtain insight into magnetization transfer in both individual binary collisions and van der Waals complexes and demonstrate a stepwise buildup of 129Xe spin polarization upon bond-length oscillations in the latter.

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