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Polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with weight-loss attempts and perception of overweight independent of BMI:a population-based cohort study


Polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with weight-loss attempts and perception of overweight independent of BMI:a population-based cohort study


Objectives: Up to 70% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have pre-obesity or obesity. The aim of this study was to investigate whether women with PCOS have more weight-loss attempts than women without PCOS, regardless of BMI. Moreover, women’s weight perceptions in relation to previous weight-loss attempts were evaluated.

Methods: A population-based birth cohort study included women with (n = 278) and without PCOS (control individuals, n = 1560) who were examined at ages 31 and 46 years with questionnaires and clinical examinations.

Results: Women with PCOS had more weight-loss attempts compared with control individuals at age 31 (47% vs. 34%, p <0.001) and 46 years (63% vs. 47%, p  < 0.001). At age 46 years, PCOS was associated with multiple weight-loss attempts in the adjusted model (odds ratio: 1.43 [95% CI: 1.00‐2.03], p = 0.05). The perception of having overweight was more prevalent in those with PCOS, even among participants with normal weight, at age 31 (PCOS 47% vs. control 34%, p  = 0.014) and 46 years (PCOS 60% vs. control 39%, p  = 0.001).

Conclusions: Women with PCOS were more likely to have experienced multiple weight-loss attempts and a perception of having overweight compared with control individuals, regardless of obesity status.

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