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Functioning, psychiatric symptoms and quality of life of individuals with severe mental disorders after psychiatric rehabilitation


Functioning, psychiatric symptoms and quality of life of individuals with severe mental disorders after psychiatric rehabilitation


Purpose: Psychiatric disorders may have a negative effect on individuals’ living, forming intimate relationships, education, and employment. The aim of psychiatric rehabilitation is to promote recovery — finding ways to cope with mental disorders despite debilitating symptoms. This study aimed to explore the outcomes of accommodation, social inclusion, psychiatric symptoms, substance and service use, quality of life and subjective recovery of young adults with severe mental illness after psychiatric rehabilitation.

Materials and methods: The study population consisted of individuals who had been in residential psychiatric rehabilitation between the ages of 18–29 years. Data on outcomes were collected using a questionnaire after a flexible follow-up period (mean 29 months). The questionnaire was answered by 32 eligible persons. We analysed multiple outcomes and compared the proportion of persons living independently at the start, after psychiatric rehabilitation, and at the follow-up point.

Results: At the start of the rehabilitation, 33%, at the end, 69%, and at follow-up, 78% lived independently. However, most had not reached competitive employment nor were studying. Cognitive symptoms were the most common psychiatric symptoms, followed by depressive symptoms. More than 80% of the sample felt that they had partly recovered from their severe mental illness.

Conclusions: According to the results of this study residential psychiatric rehabilitation may have positive effects on functioning and independent living at follow-up. Reaching competitive employment is difficult for persons with severe mental disorders and effective rehabilitation interventions need to be implemented. However, this study had limitations, and these results should be considered preliminary.

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