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Akkommodaatiospasmin hoitomenetelmät : kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus


Akkommodaatiospasmin hoitomenetelmät : kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus

Digitalization, screen work and other terminal work have increased further in the workplace and at school. The use of smart devices starts as soon as in early childhood. Thus, it is likely that as a result of increased close-up work and the development of technology, people's visual demands have changed, resulting in new types of visual strain on the eyes, such as accommodative and binocular visual stress, and external symptoms such as the dry eye. Although accommodative spasm is a fairly common phenomenon, very little information is available about it, which is why we want to gather information about accommodation spasms and their treatment in our thesis.

The research method of the thesis is a descriptive literature review. The research question in our thesis; How to treat accommodation spasm, and what are the different treatments available? In the thesis, our goal is to collect a comprehensive and reliable Finnish-language information package on the triggers, symptoms, research and, above all, various treatment methods for accommodative spasms. The basis of the treatment of accommodation spasm relies on a thorough examination of the functional nature of accommodation spasms in the patient and their connection to the patient's life situation. Accommodation spasm is treated with cycloplegic eye drops, refractive correction, artificial lens implantation, visual ergonomics, psychological remedies, and orthoptic exercises.

There is no official guidance, on how accommodative spasms should be managed. Choosing the right treatment and executing it, as well as controlling the progress of treatment is dependent on the judgement of the optometrist or ophthalmologist, who treats the patient.

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