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COVID-19 pandemian hygieniavaikutukset : kyselytutkimus yksityisiin optikkoliikkeisiin Pohjois-Suomessa


COVID-19 pandemian hygieniavaikutukset : kyselytutkimus yksityisiin optikkoliikkeisiin Pohjois-Suomessa

COVID-19 is a virus that has affected to everyone lives in many ways in these past two years. The virus has became a pandemic in 2020. Opticians had to arrenge new hygiene practices in accordance with current hygiene practices. We chose to make our thesis about how COVID-19 pandemic effected hygiene practices on private opticians. The thesis made in Oulu University of Applied Sciences proved that hygiene practices has changed in opticians stores.

The aim of this Bachelors thesis was to get information about new hygiene ways that have been used in opticians since COVID-19 started. We made a survey to collect the information.

The theory of the Bachelors thesis is based on our survey and reliable sources found online.

Our quantitative survey was send to 30 private opticians. We got 11 replies. We analyzed the response results by comparing the results with each other. The survey consisted different multiple choice questions, slider and open questions. We used Webropol 2.0 to collect the answers and to make charts using the answers.

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