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Koulutuspäivä näönseulonnasta terveydenhoitajaopiskelijoille


Koulutuspäivä näönseulonnasta terveydenhoitajaopiskelijoille

Vision screening is a significant part of student health care. Public health nurses can possible be first ones to notice early state any childhood vision problems. In this way vision is more likely repairable. The purpose of this thesis was to coordinate and execute a day of education to students of public health nurses. We wanted to arrange the education day in institution where it is not possible to study Optometry. At the schools concerned, possible collaboration is way more difficult to organize compared to schools that have degree program of Optometry in the same building. We ended up collaborating with Turku University of applied sciences and the education day was kept 10.5.2022 for one class of public health nurse students. Intention of the education day was to develop knowledge and skills to vision screening performing whom public health nurses can make good use after entering the workforce. The day of education took 3 hours including practical and theoretical parts. There where 8 students and their teacher that participated our schooling. Theoretical part was assembled around power point that hold separate entities regarding refractive states, binocular seeing, different problems of vision and vision screening in general. The powerpoint was build alongside of guide that is part of thesis Näönseulonnan opas terveydenhoitajille, published by Alin and Sakko (Alin & Sakko 2021). The practical part was carried through by students going around different points of action. In the end of the education day we collected written feedback from every attendant. With given written and oral feedback we were able to analyze how successful the day was. We only got positive feedback from the day of education. Every participant were of the opinion that schooling improved their vision screening skills.

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