
Hyvinvoiva tanssiyhteisö: positiivisen pedagogiikan näkökulma opetussuunnitelman kehitystyössä


Hyvinvoiva tanssiyhteisö: positiivisen pedagogiikan näkökulma opetussuunnitelman kehitystyössä

This paper studies positive pedagogy as a supporter in curriculum development. This paper is research for the dance school AM Dance. Its purpose is to research the possibilities of how positive pedagogy can support curriculum development. On the basis of this research and study done in this paper, its goal is to bring knowledge of how positive pedagogy can be a part of planning the dance teaching. This paper´s prevalent theme is well-being.

The main research material in this paper is based on literature of positive pedagogy and curriculum theory. This research is based on reflecting the literature and its contents in the applications of curriculum development. The data is collected by semi-structured theme interviews. The first interview was held in the beginning of this research. Its purpose was to find the common line with the owner of dance school AM Dance. The second interview was after I had done the development work for the curriculum. In addition to the development of curriculums, this paper’s purpose is to build up exercises of positive pedagogy that can be used in dance classes. The research question is: How positive pedagogy can be a part of curriculum.

Curriculum works as a teachers instrument and guides teaching towards curriculum´s aims and goals. Positive pedagogy supports learners to become competent and skilled individuals. Teacher’s mission is to support the learner’s development and growth. Teachers encourage the learners for activity interaction and supports their experiences of success.

As the results of this paper are the benefits of positive pedagogy as a part of curriculum and dance school AM Dance curriculum development. The results have been divided in three categories which are planning, execution and evaluation. Every category includes proposition of development that will support actualizing the positive pedagogy being part of the curriculum. The results of this paper support teachers work and learners’ path of dance. The results strengthen interaction between customers and the dance school AM dance. The result of this paper can be used as an instrument to develop curriculum to the well-being direction.

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