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Luokitteluasteikon käyttö piilolasitutkimuksissa: kyselytutkimus piilolasioptikoille


Luokitteluasteikon käyttö piilolasitutkimuksissa: kyselytutkimus piilolasioptikoille

All opticians are obliged to record findings of contact lens examinations. To get precise findings opticians should use a standardized grading scale which con-tains images of eye conditions. The Good Contact Lens Fitting Practice recom-mendation published by The Ethical Council of Optics (2006) recommends the use of a grading scale in contact lens examinations.

The aim of this study was to examine how consistent opticians’ documentation was in contact lens examinations and to prescribe what kind of arguments opti-cians had on the use of grading scales. This study also examines if there is difference in documentation between optician who do few contact lens examinations and those who do a lot.

This study was quantitative. The sample consisted of 28 opticians who had a license to fit contact lenses and worked in Oulu and Seinäjoki. Data were col-lected by visiting the informants personally and using a questionnaire and video material. The questionnaire contained both close-ended and open-ended questions. Data were analyzed by using a statistical program.

Findings revealed that the answers regarding the documentation with the help of a grading scale were scattered, although most answers were centralized close each other. The most important argument for using a grading scale was that it facilitated communication. All opticians who took part in the study used a grading scale in contact lens examinations.

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