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Päihteidenkäytön näyttäytyminen hailuotolaisten nuorten vapaa-ajan vietossa


Päihteidenkäytön näyttäytyminen hailuotolaisten nuorten vapaa-ajan vietossa

The purpose of my thesis is to describe how substance abuse appears in leisure-time activities of the young people in Hailuoto. The co-operation partner is the municipality of Hailuoto.

The aim is to highlight young people's perspectives on youth substance abuse today in Hailuoto.

Research method used in the study is qualitative. The data for the thesis has been collected from Hailuoto’s 6-9-graders by having an essay on the subject of youth substance abuse in Hailuoto. The data was analyzed by using data-oriented content analysis.

The results reported on the importance of friends and the community in adolescence and those impact for young people’s leisure time and substance abuse. There came out strong willingness to experiment and expectations related to substance abuse, but also unwillingness to try drugs and concern for their own or loved one’s health and well-being.

Results of the study can conclude that young people's leisure time activities and drug use is strongly tied to the community. Developing customer-oriented service in Hailuoto should be taken into account in order to take advantage of young people’s own culture and sense of community.

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