
Rippikoulun vinkkipankki: käytännön ohjeita kanttoreille rippikouluun


Rippikoulun vinkkipankki: käytännön ohjeita kanttoreille rippikouluun

Teaching at confirmation classes is part of cantors work. According to the information I had many cantors experience it challenging and exhausting. I wanted to help cantors with my research and I collected guide to cantors about confirmation classes. The guide includes most common classes of cantor. As a research base I’m using enquiry for cantors.

In the beginning of thesis I’m telling about backgrounds of confirmation classes as known as history of confirmation class. After this I’m telling about teaching music at confirmation class and current confirmation class plan from 2001. I’m also telling about learning in confirmation class and things one’s should acknowledge. After this I’m telling about what kind the young is during confirmation class and what the influence of music in the young is. After this I’m telling about how the young acts in the group and how the group works generally. At the end I’m telling about what is like to be adult as a group’s leader.

The guide’s research is based on e-mail survey to cantors. I sent the e-mail survey to over one hundred of which twenty-five replied. Even though the e-mail survey was only replied by one-fourth of cantors I believe that the result of my survey is reliable. All the questions were open in which cantors got to share their own experiences of success and challenges in confirmation classes. I also asked practical advices to confirmation camps. The main thing that came up from the survey was that cantors don’t think they have pedagogy skills enough to handle confirmation classes. In the guide I will try to give some advices for that and also give some practical advices.

As the source for my guide I used finished literature, my own experiences and advices of cantors and other experts. The guide contains facts and practical advices about classes of cantors in confirmation class. From the guide one can also find information for example from rhythms and dance.

I believe that the guide will be useful both me and other cantors. Especially I believe that the guide is going to help cantor students and recently graduated cantors.

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