
Infonäyttöjärjestelmien vertailu : case Osuuskauppa Arina


Infonäyttöjärjestelmien vertailu : case Osuuskauppa Arina

Osuuskauppa Arina is using three different Digital Signage Systems as marketing communications. The content management of all these three systems is challenging. Thus, Arina’s aim is to drive only one digital signage system.

The objective of this thesis was to find out which digital content management is the most user-friendly in the marketing communications of Osuuskauppa Arina. The assignment was to examine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of these three digital signage systems from the point of view of a user and as a result to contribute Arina to choose the best digital signage system.

First, the client, Osuuskauppa Arina, is introduced by telling its digital marketing communications. The theoretical background was focused on digital signage. The comparable digital signage systems were also introduced in the theoretical background section. The thesis was built on literature in Finnish and English, online articles and websites.

This thesis work was a benchmarking assessment in the company and applied qualitative methodology. The study was based on interviews of marketing experts and my own user experience. As a result of the study a SWOT analysis of each digital signage system was created.

The study results suggest that each digital signage system has its strengths and weaknesses. According to the theoretical background, the user experiences of the marketing experts and as well as my own, the digital signage system C is the most functional in my personal opinion. The system C is the most effective in order to control massive content and it is the most active in developing its own system.

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