
Kuvallinen ilmaisu varhaiskasvatuksessa : kokemuksia steinerpedagogisesta varhaiskasvatusyksiköstä


Kuvallinen ilmaisu varhaiskasvatuksessa : kokemuksia steinerpedagogisesta varhaiskasvatusyksiköstä

The purpose of early childhood education is to support the child’s growth and development. One form of supporting them is making art and getting to know it. The goal of our research was to highlight how visual arts education in early childhood education supports the child’s growth and development. Our research emphasizes Steiner’s pedagogic perspective, which we chose because of the emphasis on art education. Our goals were to get the views of the staff of our cooperative daycare center on visual arts education in early childhood education both on a general level and in Steiner pedagogy, as well as to develop our own expertise related to our subject. Our thesis brings out the importance of fine art for a child, which is useful for early childhood education professionals and those studying the field. The background of our thesis is our own interest in the chosen subject.

We implemented our thesis as a qualitative study, for which we interviewed the employees of the early childhood education unit specialized in Steiner pedagogy. Three of the four interviews took place via Teams video call, and one was face-to-face. We analyzed the research material using content analysis. The results of our research showed that art education develops the child’s motor skills and imagination, increases the child’s participation and offers a variety of sensory experiences.

In order to develop our research, we suggest taking a larger number of employees to be interviewed as well as including more Steiner daycare units in the research in order to improve its reliability.

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