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N∙Examiner - Innovative Digital Measurement Device for Near Point of Convergence and Near Point of Accommodation


N∙Examiner - Innovative Digital Measurement Device for Near Point of Convergence and Near Point of Accommodation

Purpose: The purpose of the N∙Examiner master thesis project is to develop and evaluate an innovative digital measurement device for assessing the near point of convergence (NPC) and near point of accommodation (NPA). This device aims to replace manual measurement methods, providing increased precision and ease of measurement, thus enhancing clinical diagnostic capabilities in ophthalmology and optometry.

Methods: The N∙Examiner project was conducted in two sequential phases. Phase one involved utilizing laser measurement technology to develop the initial prototype of the measurement device. Then the prototype successfully underwent usability testing. In the subsequent phase, the project advanced to incorporate more sophisticated LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) measurement technology. This transition aimed at refining and validating the device further. The comparison lies in the progression from laser to LiDAR technology. While the sample size (n) and specific demographics are unspecified, the study is situated in a simulated clinical setting. The timeline for these phases, structured from 2021 to 2023, is designed to systematically develop and enhance the N∙Examiner device. This project did not involve any human subject testing, and therefore an IRB approval was unnecessary.

Results: The N∙Examiner project generates promising results in both phases. The laser-based prototype significantly improved precision and ease of measurement compared to traditional manual methods. However, the transition to LiDAR technology in the second phase marked a substantial leap forward. The N∙Examiner devices, utilizing LiDAR technology, demonstrated remarkable accuracy and efficiency in assessing NPC and NPA.

Conclusion: The N∙Examiner master thesis project has successfully addressed the need for innovation in the field of ophthalmology and optometry by creating digital measurement devices for NPC and NPA. LiDAR technology has revolutionized the accuracy and ease of measurement, surpassing traditional manual methods. This device offers immense potential for enhancing clinical diagnostics and improving patient care. The N∙Examiner project represents a significant advancement in the field, potentially transforming how eye professionals assess and manage visual disorders related to NPC and NPA.

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