
Kaunis lukija : Minkälaisia ovat naistenlehtien lukijat?


Kaunis lukija : Minkälaisia ovat naistenlehtien lukijat?

In this thesis, my goal is to find out what kind of women are reading Finnish women’s magazines called Kauneus & Terveys and Me Naiset. I also want to find out how beauty standards affects women and does these magazines have any part in it. To find out, I read one of both magazines and I went through all articles.

The goal of this thesis was to show how minor differences makes major differences between people and how different people can feel and understand same articles. I also want to point out what factors are effecting the content of women’s magazines.

Nowadays, there is lot of arguments in media how women should look and how they should look but there is not lot of researches of this. That is also one reason for me to do this thesis and show the relationship of women’s magazines and their readers to opinions of beauty. Because young-sters do not read magazines as much as previous generation did, I want also to point out the importance of reading papers and I want to try to get people to think why women’s magazines write things as they nowadays do.

Although Me Naiset and Kaunes & Terveys are both women’s magazines their modes are very different. They mainly handle different subjects and subjects that are close in both magazines are written from different point of views. This is because the readers of magazines are very different and they are expecting different content of the magazines. The average age of readers affect a lot of the contents of magazines.

I created five different ideal profiles to both magazines and none of those were similar than the profiles of other magazine were. It is important to know what kind of magazine is proper to readers, otherwise reading of magazine is not a positive experience. Kauneus & Terveys is writing their issues more superficially and Me Naiset are pointing out more communally point of views. I chose intentionally two magazines which are published to people of different ages to find out if the beauty opinions and pressures are different. I got a clear yes answer to this question.

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